What are Essential Oils?

Are all oils the same?  When you think of oils you may think of a yellowish oil made from animal fats, corn, olives or peanuts that you cook with.  Or maybe a think dark substance that you put into your car that requires changing out every so often.  Maybe you think of oils you apply in a cosmetic fashion.  Oils are used in the production of paints and plastics.  Certain oils are good for our bodies, but which ones and how much should we be using?

I was recently introduced to the healing properties of essential oils.  I have been following a friend who has been using them for over a year and finally decided to try them for myself.  Essential oils can support our physical, emotional and spiritual health. There are so many everyday uses for these pure smelling oils!  I get excited to see those colorful little bottles in my home, and to know that I have a natural way of taking care of my family!

Essential oils are concentrated liquids from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes and seeds and is usually extracted through steam distillation.  Essential oils are the “lifeblood” of plants, and protect the plant in ways similar to what our own blood does for our bodies: they fight infection, contain hormone-like compounds, and initiate regeneration. The essential oils of a plant protect it from attacks by insects and animals, and possess antibacterial, antiviral and anti fungal properties. Essential oils have a similar chemical structure to that found in our own cells and tissues, which makes them compatible with human protein and enables them to be readily identified and accepted by the body. Because of their unique chemical makeup, essential oils can penetrate cell membranes and diffuse throughout the blood and tissues, enabling them to have a wide range of effects on the body and its systems.

It is important to purchase pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils that are concentrated naturally through steam distillation as the use of synthetic materials to extract oils will alter their properties and affect their therapeutic value.  Many less expensive oils on the market are cut with alcohol, preservatives or diluted.    
(Post to come on what to look for when purchasing essential oils)

Few facts about essential oils...

* Highly concentrated and far more potent than dried herbs
* Not greasy
* Have a long shelf life.  Citrus oils life span are shorter, lasting a few years.
* Powerful antimicrobials
* Have been around since bible times and have been used before there was such thing as "modern medicine."

How are essential oils used?

Apply topically

Massage a few drops of essential oil into skin or dilute with a carrier oil ( coconut oil, olive oil, grape seed oil)

The teeny tiny molecules travel directly to the brain in the central part called the amygdala.  This is the headquarters of the limbic system.  This part of the brain (which yes, passes the blood brain barrier) is the filing system for all emotions and cannot be communicated with spoken language.  It responds only to smell and therefore essential oils contain a powerful ability to communicate to brain and emotions when diffused.      (referenced from the book Healing Oils of the Bible  p. 24)

* Inhale directly.  Smell directly from the bottle or rub a drop or two in hand and smell.
* Diffuse oils using a diffusor, which distributes the oil in a micro-fine vapor into the air.
* Put a few drops in a bowl of hot water and breathe the fumes.

Take Internally
(Caution: Only pure essential oils, proven safe and labeled as dietary supplements (therapeutic grade), should be used internally.  Dilution and dosage is dependent on the age, size, and the health constitution of the individual.  Follow the recommended dosage on individual product labels to ensure safety or seek the advice of a health professional before administering oils internally.)

*  Put several drops of oil into an empty capsule and swallow with water.
* Add 1-2 drops to a glass of water.
* Drop directly onto the tongue and swallow.

If you would like to learn more about specific essential oils and how they can be used or would like to join me and thousands of oil users in a private online Facebook community called The Lemon Drop Lounge, please leave me a comment or send me an email.